Become A Member

Becoming A Partner

Everyone is welcome at Ventnor Baptist Church. To share in our activities or to join us on a Sunday to give God worship and praise and to listen to his word.

We understand that some are beginning to explore issues of faith, while others may attend our services only once every now and then. Becoming a partner is for those people who are wholly committed to the church and want to be part of its mission.

It is for those who have come to a personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour and wish to witness and express that faith in action to the community through the church. As a Baptist Church we believe that “Each church has liberty under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to interpret and administer Christ's laws.” Only those born again through repentance and faith and indwelt by the Holy Spirit are in a position to exercise that responsibility.

Partnership, as its name suggests, is a two way relationship. This booklet outlines what you can expect from the leadership and also what our expectations are of those who wish to take this step.

What partnership involves

For those who wish to become partners with us there are two general things that we would expect:

Regular involvement in the Sunday worship especially communion.

Involvement in house groups.

Willingness to use both spiritual and practical gifts for the benefit of the whole body.

Financial support - Our primary source of income is what we receive from believers who attend our church and we believe it is a key responsibility to give generously for the support of the work of the church. We do not demand tithing, but we believe a tenth of our income is a good guideline.

Praying - While we encourage everyone to develop a personal prayer life, we also recognise that it is when the church meets together that God's heart is sensed and God's power released. The regular times of corporate and open prayer are therefore central to our life.

Being prepared to serve each other with our God given gifts and using them to reach non believers.

Our Structures

  1. We currently have a part-time Pastor who is supported in his duties by those in the church partnership who are able.
  2. Those in the church who are recognised as being gifted by God to preach share the Sunday services, preaching and communion, throughout the month, bolstered by visiting ministers or preachers from time to time.
  3. There is also a diaconate responsible for the general management of the church, which is elected at the AGM.
  4. House groups are an integral part of the life of the church to enable the development of spiritual growth, fellowship and prayer on a more personal level.

Our Commitment to the Church

Becoming a partner with Ventnor Baptist Church

If, having read this, you wish to commit to partnering with us, we ask that you sign the declaration and hand it to the minister.

Since partnership is a two-way commitment the next church meeting will be asked to accept your request and this will then be confirmed at a convenient communion service when we will pray for you and publicly acknowledge you as a partner with us.


Click here to download "Become A Partner" Leaflet
Click here to download "Become A Partner Declaration Form"